Roberto Zanetti [06-07-1957, Colà di Lazise (VR)] Italy He starts his musical career by playing blues, as a guitarist of small local groups In 1991, he receives the diploma in Choral Conducing at the Conservatory E F Dall’Abaco of Verona, under the supervision of the Maestro Antonio Zanon, a discipline that allows him to learn, along with the piano technique, harmony and composition At the same time he cultivates his interest in the Afro-American music and culture, by attending the “Scuola Civica Musicale” in Milan, under the guidance of Maestro Sante Palumbo, as well as seminars and specialized courses (Umbria
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Listen Now Visit Artist's WebsiteTrack Listing
- Thank you Mr. Monk
- Speakeasy
- Valvoline
- No prohibition Unit
- Bloody Mary
- Outlaw
- Invincibles
- Play it again Sam
- Down Jones
- Chorale for Augusto