AACM Great Black Music Ensemble

Live at The Currency Exchange, Volume 1 (AACM Chicago Productions)

As a premier performing group of the Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians, Inc (AACM), Great Black Music Ensemble features some of Chicago’s most visionary artists of improvisation and creative music. The intergenerational Ensemble ranges in size from three to thirty pieces, and performs historical repertoire from the great pool of AACM composers. The Ensemble carries on the legacy of Chicago’s South Side creative music that made its place on the music history map by expressing the excitement of new sounds and rhythms, while invigorating the traditions of black music including funk, reggae, bebop, swing, African & Caribbean styles.

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Ernest Dawkins: alto & soprano Sax http://ernestdawkins.com/
Maggie Brown: vocals on 1 https://www.maggiebrown.com/
Saalik Ziyad: keys, effects & vocals https://nationofhipness.com/
Taalib-Din Ziyad: flute & vocals www.thegreatblackmusicproject.org/taalib-dinziyad.html
Art Turk Burton: congos http://artburton.com/
Micah Collier: bass https://www.chicagoacademyforthearts.org/micah-collier
Jeremiah Collier: trap drums
Jerome Croswell: trumpet http://croswelljazz.com/
Ben Lamar Gay: cornet http://soundsandnotes.org/staff/ben-lamar-gay/
Ed House: tenor sax
Adam Zanolini: soprano sax & flute http://elasticarts.org/

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