Javier Red's Imagery Converter

Ephemeral Certainties (Delmark Records)

This is music for the time after. After so many trends and the aftermath of 20th century’s aesthetical propositions, this is music that reflects into itself and contemplates itself on a historical mirror without recurring to the alibi of the “tribute”. Somebody may say Javier Red picks up where Chicago pioneer Lennie Tristano had left his experiences of
organized freedom. And it wouldn’t be wrong. This is cool and smart music, shamelessly intellectual. It is both highly conceptual and very focused on vindicating the craft, the careful embroidering of the musical tapestry. -Elbio Barilary- Delmark Records.

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Javier Red-Piano
Ben Dillinger-Bass
Gustavo Cortinas- Drums
Jake Wark- Tenor Sax

Track Listing

  1. Minimal Pieces
  2. Minimal Expansion
  3. Recognizable Elements
  4. Stretched Particle
  5. Suspension
  6. Balancing Fragments
  7. Cycles
  8. Saturation

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