Mack Avenue Records acquires MAXJAZZ

Mack Avenue Records has announced the acquisition of the MAXJAZZ label.


Founded in 1997 by the late Richard McDonnell, MAXJAZZ worked with such artists as pianist Mulgrew Miller, vocalist René Marie, guitarist Russell Malone and more. It also established a reputation for working with some of the top jazz clubs in the United States, releasing live recordings from such venues as New York’s Jazz Standard, Oakland’s Yoshi’s and Jazz at Bistro in St. Louis.


Speaking about the acquisition, Mack Avenue Records president Denny Stilwell said “We see this as an appropriate fit. We share a foundation based on a genuine passion for the music, and their philosophical approach is really in line with our vision for how artists and labels can work together.”


The addition of MAXJAZZ expands Mack Avenue Records’ growing label, which already includes Artistry Music, Rendezvous Music, and Sly Dog imprints.

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