JAZZIZ Editors’ Choice Playlist: Week of November 9, 2020

The editors of JAZZIZ have the good fortune of being able to listen to new music before it’s officially released in stores and streaming platforms. And because we’re listening to new tunes all day every day, we know just what to recommend when new albums are released every Friday. That’s why, each Monday, we’ll be bringing you a roundup of our favorite songs from the weekend courtesy of our Editors’ Choice playlists, which will feature our favorite new albums, singles and other tunes that may have flown under your radar. This is music recommendation the old-fashioned way: No algorithms, no computer profiles. Just jazz fans connecting with other jazz fans through the music we love.

Our Editors’ Choice playlist for the week of November 9 features Dave Brubeck, Fred Hersch, Yellowjackets, Sarah Elizabeth Charles and more. Listen via the player below and follow our playlists on Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer and Qobuz.

Feature photo of Dave Brubeck courtesy davebrubeck.com

Listen on: qobuz

A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes
Dave Brubeck

Wouldn’t It Be Loverly
Fred Hersch
Songs From Home

Yellowjackets, WDR Big Band
Jackets XL

Shine On
Sarah Elizabeth Charles, Jarrett Cherner

Echo Chamber
Will Bonness
Change of Plans

Wind Chili
Satoko Fujii, Natsuki Tamura

Dino Saluzzi

Mon Yawn Ugh
Damani Rhodes, Keyon Harrold

Romanople – Live
The JCA Orchestra
Live at the BPC

Hypnotic Brass Ensemble

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