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JAZZIZ Release Licensing and Credits Agreement

Once selected for inclusion in the JAZZIZ Discovery Program (“Program”), JAZZIZ will feature your album on its homepage, linking to a dedicated page about the album. This page may include additional links to commercial streaming service(s) where the album is available and/or a download of the selected track for subscribers.

Regarding the “Performance” offered by you for inclusion in the Program, which you will provide in the Artist Release Form on the next page, you represent and warrant that you have the right to license the Performance to JAZZIZ, that all necessary approvals and clearances have been obtained, and that no payment will be due to you, the applicable artist, or any person featured in the Performance (including, without limitation, music publishers, musicians, vocalists, unions, guilds, or material owners). You further confirm that the use of the Performance will not violate the rights of any third party. JAZZIZ will make reasonable efforts to include any necessary copyright notices and other information you provide in the “Artist Release Form” and/or as mutually agreed upon. JAZZIZ retains the right to utilize the track/performance you provide, as identified in the Artist Release Form, in good faith, in exchange for the promotional value of presenting the recording artist(s), album and track to its worldwide readership.

JAZZIZ will make reasonable efforts to include any necessary copyright notices and other information you provide in the “Artist Release Form” and/or as mutually agreed upon. JAZZIZ retains the right to utilize the track/performance you provide, as identified in the Artist Release Form, in good faith, in exchange for the promotional value of presenting your music to its worldwide readership.

To participate in this Program, you must complete and sign the bottom of this form and the Artist Release Form on the following page for each performance you wish to submit for inclusion in the JAZZIZ Program. Additionally, you must provide any files for select music track, album cover, bio and photo (with photo credit). JAZZIZ is authorized to use your company name and logo (provided by your company), the names, likenesses, and biographical material of the artists, the performance, and video footage for advertising and promotional purposes in connection with the Program. This includes, but is not limited to, usage in magazines, telemarketing, direct mail, catalogs, festivals, concerts, and online marketing campaigns associated with the Program. JAZZIZ will indemnify you against all claims related to our manufacturing, distribution, and advertising of the Program, except for those items for which you are responsible. Once you have supplied a performance, the rights and obligations of both parties, as outlined here, will apply. If the above terms are in accordance with your understanding, please indicate your acceptance by signing below.

JAZZIZ will indemnify you against all claims related to our manufacturing, distribution, and advertising of the Program, except for those items for which you are responsible. Once you have supplied a performance, the rights and obligations of both parties, as outlined here, will apply.

If the above terms are in accordance with your understanding, please indicate your acceptance by signing below.
Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY