Abigail Rockwell – “So In Love”

Abigail Rockwell, “So In Love,” from Autumn Noir

Autumn Noir, Abigail Rockwell’s first album as a singer-songwriter, features saxophonist Harry Allen and more. “This album was born from beauty and friction,” said Rockwell. “It is my love letter to the East and West coasts: the craggy edges of the East, the vast expanses of the West, and all the dark alleyways in between.”


The uptempo bossa vibe of “So In Love” is an excellent showcase for Rockwell’s clean, pure vocal tone and supple inflection. With a knack for creative timekeeping, she stays cool and unruffled even at a fast clip. The music has a wave-like feel, carried along in gentle bursts, and Rockwell and Allen ride the surface with aplomb.

Feature photo courtesy John Duke Kisch

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